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White House denies report Trump asked Comey to end Flynn investigation—but only 'on background'

May 17, 2017 1:12 AM

The White House Press Office just blasted out a statement denying the new New York Times report that Donald Trump specifically asked now-fired FBI Director James Comey that he “let this go” with regards to the investigation into ex-Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn. It reads:

On background: While the President has repeatedly expressed his view that General Flynn is a decent man who served and protected our country, the President has never asked Mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation, including any investigation involving General Flynn. The President has the utmost respect for our law enforcement agencies, and all investigations. This is not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the President and Mr. Comey.

On background: Deputy Director McCabe said in his testimony last week that the WH had not interfered with any investigation.

So “on background,” they’re denying it happened, but nobody in the White House is yet willing to put their name on that statement. That may be the weakest denial in the history of weak denials—and comes as other media organizations are now confirming the existence of the memo in question.

Meanwhile, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Republican Richard Burr, is sounding outright hostile towards investigating this newest revelation, saying “I think the burden is on the New York Times” to get the memo reported on, and opining that there may be instead an effort to undermine the president.

We may not have to wait to see if Burr chooses the path of investigation or obstruction, however:

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